WOD WOD, November 1, 2019
October Benchmark “Diane” Warm-up Friday Funday: Games A) PVC Stick game B) Burpee worm race *Lighten the mood, set the tone, have some fun with it C) Banded monster walks Accessory "Diane" specific WOD prep Strength/Prep #1 – EMOM 8 Min 1: 12 KB swings – you pick the weight MIn 2: 100m Run Strength/Prep…
SEE EVENTWOD WOD, October 31, 2019
Thursday Reset Pull it back today, move well, we have a big day tomorrow ! Warm-up 2 Sets ( 5-6 mins ) 10 x Extended arm inchworm walkout + heel tap 10 x Alternating spiderman lunges + rotation R1 45 second skipping into R2 45 seconds dubz play Metcon (Calories) Teams of 3 AMRAP 20…
SEE EVENTOlympic Weightlifting WOD, October 31, 2019
Cycle 10: Hangs and pulls Wk 3 Metcon (Weight) Hang Snatch + Low hang snatch E2M 4×1 @ 50% 3×1 @ 60% 3×1 @ 70% Metcon (Weight) Hang Clean + Low hang clean + Jerk E2M 4×1 @ 50% 3×1 @ 60% 3×1 @ 70% Snatch Pull (Weight) E2M 5×3 @ 100%Sn
SEE EVENTWOD WOD, October 30, 2019
SWOL GOALS Warm-up 3 Sets of: 150m jog 10m x Gymnastics style bear crawl 5 x T Push Ups 20 Second reverse grip passive hang 5 x Deadbugs Close Grip Bench Press (Weight) GIANT SET E4MOM x 4 Sets : 6 x CG Bench Press w/ 1 second at chest 6 x Strict Pull Ups…
SEE EVENTLet’s talk recovery, by Coach Chris
Let’s me ask you this … How many of us have heard of the saying “train hard, recover hard?” How many of us actually do this by putting in adequate recovery time? Recovery is often overlooked but as we know it’s so important to stay on top of our game. There are so many different…
SEE EVENTWOD WOD, October 29, 2019
EMOMafying CINDY Warm-up A) Banded Hips B ) Banded Hammies C) 1 Round of WOD sim Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) EMOM 25 (5 rounds) 1- 40sec Ski 2- 40sec Deadball hold 55/35 3 & 4 – 100m Run + AMRAP Cindy 5- Rest * All Start on Ski *Score is total reps of Cindy (30…
SEE EVENTWOD WOD, October 28, 2019
Mad Monday Warm-up A) Gym length athletic flow B) BB Power clean tech Metcon (2 Rounds for reps) 90sec on/30sec off x4 (each) a) 9 DB hang squat cleans Max row remaining time 1-2 Minute transition between a) and b ) for split classes b) AMRAP 3 Power cleans 6 Burpees over bar Rx 2×22.5/15kg…
SEE EVENTWOD WOD, October 27, 2019
Pavement pedals Metcon (Calories) AMRAP 20 – With a buddy 10-20-30-etc Bike/Ski cals (total) 200m Run each *Start with 5 synchro burpees each round Metcon #PUMPsesh 5-10-15-20-25 Bicep curls (1 DB holding each end) 10-20-30-40-50 Banded tricep push downs
SEE EVENTWOD WOD, October 26, 2019
Super Saturday Metcon (Time) In Pairs : 27-21-15-9 reps of Calorie row ( 21/15/12/9 FM ) Box Jump over KB swing Burpee to target Flow: P1 Rows / P 2 Rows x 27 cal P1 BJ / P2 BJ x 27 reps P1 Swing / P2 swing x 27 reps P1 Burpee / P2 Burpee…
SEE EVENTWOD WOD, October 25, 2019
Fruity Friday 20.2 teaser Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Open-ish Point 2 AMRAP 20 – R4R with a partner 6 SA devils press (alt) 12 Sit ups 150m Run *Rx 22.5/15 Accessory AMRAP 12 – M4M with a partner 6 per side Pallof press 6 per side DB rows 6 Tempo DB goblet squats…