WOD Archives

WOD WOD, September 4, 2020

September 3, 2020


30sec on/30sec off
1- Ski
2- Step ups
3- Sit ups
4- Plank
5- 100m Run
*start everyone at different stations
Metcon (Calories)

1- 45sec ski (cals)
2- 12-20 Step ups (BW)
3- 5-15 Toes to rings
4- 45sec Dball hold
5- 150m Run
6- Rest

Rx 55/35

INTENT: 70% effort, take a step back and enjoy the fitness
*All start on Ski

Step ups: reduce height
Toes to rings: play on the rings/ Sit ups
Dball: Reduce load
Run: row

Olympic Weightlifting WOD, September 3, 2020

September 2, 2020

Cycle 9: Traditional Wk 4

Snatch (Weight)
E90sec x10
1st 5: 2 @ 50%
2nd 5: build up singles
Clean and Jerk (Weight)
E90sec x10
1st 5: 2 @ 50%
2nd 5: build up singles
Front Squat (Weight)
E2M x6
Heavy double
Snatch Pull (Weight)
3 pos pause Sn DL
E2M x6
2 @ 100%Sn

*pause 2" off floor, knee, power position

WOD WOD, September 3, 2020

September 2, 2020


5min general flow
The CP barbell special
Power Snatch (Weight)
Power snatch
E90sec x10

Sets 1-5: 2 reps @ 50%
Sets 6-10: 1 rep, build upto medium-heavy

Power Clean and Split Jerk (Weight)
Power clean and jerk
E90sec x10

Sets 1-5: 2 reps @ 50%
Sets 6-10: 1 rep, build upto medium-heavy

INTENT: Not maxing out, quality reps

WOD WOD, September 2, 2020

September 1, 2020


2 sets (up and down gym)
30sec glute activation (set 1 R, set 2 L)
Lunge with roation
Extended inch worm walk out
Duck walk (heels up if you need)
Bear crawl
Front Squat (Weight)
INTENT: Push the squats as this is the main part

Strength day
FS + BS Combo Wk 4

20min open.
3 FS straight into 6 BS
Set 1: Barbell
Set 2: 50%FS
Set 3: 60%FS
Then, 5 jumps max to work up.
*at least 2mins rest btw sets

In 20min window, complete in any order:
*work with a buddy or group of 3

5×5 Strict Pull ups
3×10 Double KB FR reverse lunges
3×10 BB bicep curls
50 Banded pull aparts

*partition however you like

Flexibility / Mobility
Post WOD mobility
Foam roll – mainly glutes & quads

WOD WOD, September 1, 2020

August 31, 2020


a) Foam roll
2mins per side lats

b) 3 rounds
100m Run
10 Russian swings
5 Nurpees

Pre WOD Skills – 10min open cap

All things TTB!

Option 1: Strict/Kip TTB
Option 2: Strict/kip straight leg raises
Option 3: 10 Beat swings + 20sec hollow hold
Option 4: 8 V-up/Sit up + 20sec tuck hold

*Options 1,2 are 3-5 reps max per set
*this is for quality/skill not reps, that’s the WOD

INTENT: learn/practice/upskill

Metcon (Time)
WOD – 3 rounds (15min cap)

9 Burpees to target
12 TTB (sets of 4)
400m Run
15 KB Swings
2min rest after each round

*steady pace
Rx 24/16

INTENT: 70-80% effort, quality short TTB reps

TTB: Straight leg raises, highbar/lowbar, V-up, sit up
Run: Reduce distance or row
Swings: Reduce load

Flexibility / Mobility
Post WOD
class foam roll/lacrosse ball – mainly calves & lats

WOD WOD, August 31, 2020

August 30, 2020


3 rounds
30 Single skips
6 Pass throughs (with a pole)
6 Snatch grip strict press (pause at top & find tension)

AMRAP 4 (extended warm up)
5 Lat activation per side
5 Squat jumps
5 OHS with pole

Overhead Squat (Weight)
Strength – Overhead squats
E2M x5
3 reps

*push press if you really can’t OHS, but try it.

Skill practice – from the racks

FOCUS: Skill and build confidence
How to get the bar overhead, how to OHS, how
to rerack the back
INTENT: Depth & control over weight

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
WOD – Part A & B

30 DU
3-6-9-etc OHS

2min rest

30 DU
3-6-9-etc Push press

Rx 35/25

SCORE: total barbell reps combined
INTENT: consistent effort and go for UB BB

DU: 30 single skips
BB: Reduce load

WOD WOD, August 30, 2020

August 29, 2020


COLD start….WARM finish


Min 1 – 40sec Row
Min 2 – 40sec Bike
Min 3 – 40 sec Ski
Min 4 – 40 sec Dbl KB FR hold
Min 5 – Rest

KB: 2×20/12kg
** Get whiteboards out – track
** Use first 2 rounds as warm up (cold start). Should feel very comfortable to build towards (warm finish).
** GOAL: Add 1 cal to machine each round. ie. first round row 10 cal, 6th round 15cal.
** Start understanding what
different gears feel like.

WOD WOD, August 29, 2020

August 28, 2020


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Super Saturday

In teams of , AMRAP 22, Round for Round

200m Run
6 x C2B Pull Ups
9 x S2OH
6 x Burpee Box Jump

RX + 52.5/35kg *Must do C2B
Rx++ Option : 3-6 UB Bar MU

Run : 100m ( Fast )
C2B : Chin over / Jumping
S2OH : Reduce Load
BBJ : Step up

WOD WOD, August 28, 2020

August 27, 2020


50 x Single skip / 25 Dubz
10 x Drinking birds ( 5/5 )
10 x Reverse Lunge ( 5/5)
10 x Banded RDL – hands on thighs

x 3 sets

Deadlift (Weight)
Deadlifts (1sec pause at top of lift)

*First set at 50% then build to 70-75%
FOCUS: Technique over weight

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
WOD – Part A & B

30 DU
6 Alt hang DB Snatch

3min rest

B – For time (4min cap)
100 DU
30 Alt hang DB Snatch

Rx 22.5/15

Metcon (Time)
Put B Score

Olympic Weightlifting WOD, August 27, 2020

August 26, 2020

Cycle 9: Traditional Wk 3

Snatch (Weight)
E90sec x10
1st 5: 2 @ 50%
2nd 5: build up singles
Clean and Jerk (Weight)
E90sec x10
1st 5: 2 @ 50%
2nd 5: build up singles
Front Squat (Weight)
E2M x6
Heavy double
Snatch Pull (Weight)
3 pos pause Sn DL
E2M x6
2 @ 100%Sn

*pause 2" off floor, knee, power position