30th August 2020
WOD WOD, August 31, 2020
Overhead Squat (Weight)
Strength – Overhead squats
E2M x5
3 reps
E2M x5
3 reps
*push press if you really can’t OHS, but try it.
Skill practice – from the racks
FOCUS: Skill and build confidence
How to get the bar overhead, how to OHS, how
to rerack the back
INTENT: Depth & control over weight
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
WOD – Part A & B
30 DU
3-6-9-etc OHS
2min rest
30 DU
3-6-9-etc Push press
Rx 35/25
SCORE: total barbell reps combined
INTENT: consistent effort and go for UB BB
DU: 30 single skips
BB: Reduce load
DU: 30 single skips
BB: Reduce load
30 Single skips
6 Pass throughs (with a pole)
6 Snatch grip strict press (pause at top & find tension)
AMRAP 4 (extended warm up)
5 Lat activation per side
5 Squat jumps
5 OHS with pole