1st September 2020
WOD WOD, September 2, 2020
Front Squat (Weight)
INTENT: Push the squats as this is the main part
Strength day
FS + BS Combo Wk 4
20min open.
3 FS straight into 6 BS
Set 1: Barbell
Set 2: 50%FS
Set 3: 60%FS
Then, 5 jumps max to work up.
*at least 2mins rest btw sets
In 20min window, complete in any order:
*work with a buddy or group of 3
*work with a buddy or group of 3
5×5 Strict Pull ups
3×10 Double KB FR reverse lunges
3×10 BB bicep curls
50 Banded pull aparts
*partition however you like
Flexibility / Mobility
Post WOD mobility
Foam roll – mainly glutes & quads
Foam roll – mainly glutes & quads
30sec glute activation (set 1 R, set 2 L)
Lunge with roation
Extended inch worm walk out
Duck walk (heels up if you need)
Bear crawl