31st October 2019
WOD WOD, November 1, 2019
October Benchmark “Diane”
"Diane" specific WOD prep
Strength/Prep #1 – EMOM 8
Min 1: 12 KB swings – you pick the weight
MIn 2: 100m Run
Strength/Prep #2 – E2M x4
5 Deadlifts @ 40%ish
3 HSPU (or variation for WOD)
Diane (Time)
Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
Handstand Push-ups
Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
Handstand Push-ups
*10min cap
Scale accordingly to make the cap
Scale accordingly to make the cap
DL: Reduce weight ( ie 60 %1RM maxium load!
HSPU: Open standard/abmat/KB or DB push press
Post WOD back / shoulder level up x 2 sets
Cat Cow x 10
Rocking adductor x 5 pside
T spine rotation x 5 pside
Alt scorpion x 5 pside
A) PVC Stick game
B) Burpee worm race
*Lighten the mood, set the tone, have some fun with it
C) Banded monster walks