24th September 2018
WOD WOD, September 25, 2018
Turbulent Tuesdays
Metcon (Weight)
E2: 30 x 5 Sets : Build to max
3 x Deadlifts
2 x Hang Power Cleans
1 x Shoulder 2 overhead
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP in 5
40 x Dubz
20 x DB Snatch Alternating arms 22.5/15kg
REST 2:30
AMRAP in 5
40 x Dubz
20 x SA DB Push Press ( 10 / 10 ) 22.5/15kg
Dubz : 20 / 80 x singles
DB : Reduce Laod
b) Hip Flow series and glutes
c) BB Flow
BEnt over row
High Pull
Push Press
Push Jerk