7th May 2019
WOD WOD, May 8, 2019
Buddy Barbell Bonanza
Metcon (Time)
IN teams of 2 : For time
Buy in :
100 x Buddy ab mat sit ups – feet linked ( 50/50 ) you go i go
80 / 70 x Cal row
80 x DL 52.5/35kg
60 / 50 x Cal Row
60 x HPC
40 /30 x Cal row
40 x S2OH 52.5/35kg
20 x Cal Row
20 x Burpee Bar Muscle ups
*Share all cals and reps as pleased
RX PLUS : 60/40kg ?
BB : Reduce Load
Muscle Up : Burpee Pull Up C2b / Chin over bar / Knee raise
Post WOD shoulder pump
L-sit double DB press
1x 12+
*you pick the weight
*Same weight through all sets
Partner 1 rowing
Partner 2:
5 1-arm russian swings + 5 KB strict press (each side)
R1 – 5 beat swings
R2 – 5 knee raises
R3 – 5 pull up
B) Coaches Call BB tech