19th July 2020
WOD WOD, July 20, 2020
Metcon (Weight)
Unilateral strength + Skill development
EMOM x 4 Sets:
Min 1 : 5 x HPC + 10 x FR Reverse Lunges
MIn 2 : REST
MIn 3 : 2 sets of 5 Strict HSPU, rest as needed b/t sets
Min 4 : REST
*Start light on BB complex, increase load for quality only
**Strict HSPU : 1 x Ab Mat / 6 x L-seat KB Press
**Strict HSPU : 1 x Ab Mat / 6 x L-seat KB Press
Metcon (Calories)
In Teams of 3, 12 Minute EMOM ( 4 sets each )
1 x legless RC AHAP
Max Calories AB in remainder of minute
*Rope: 15ft , + legs, 2 x Floor Pulls
**Score equals teams total cals
B) 3 Sets of
10 x BW Reverse Lunges + rotation
10 x Lateral Banded Monster Walks
10 x Quadruped shoulder taps
C) BB tech