14th January 2019
WOD WOD, January 15, 2019
Chusday Chippa
Metcon (Time)
Chusday Chippa – 25 minute cap?
For time
50 x Dubz
25 x KB Swings ( use same KB PP )24/16kg
Run 400m
50 x Dubz
25 x Toes 2 Bar
Run 200m
50 x Dubz
26 x Single arm KB OR DB Push Press (13/13)
Rn 400m
50 x Dubz
25 x Ring Dips
Run 200m
50 x Dubz
25 x KB Swings
Run 400m
Dubz : 25 or 50 x singles
Run : 300m
T2B : High / Low , Knee 2 tricep, knee 2 chest, heel taps
PP : Reduce Load
RD : Ring Push Up ( If perfect ) Push Up
Flexibility / Mobility
Recovery component
Buddy Calve smash
La cross ball shoulder smash
couch stretch
EMOM x 9 Minutes
Min 1 : 30 Seconds slow scap pull ups
Min 2 : 30 Seconds Singles / Dubz
Min 3 : 30 Seconds Alternating Shoulder Taps
Round 2 : Practice Kipping Swing
Round 3 : Practice Kipping Knee to triceps
B) 2 Sets of
10 x Russian Swings ( use KB used in WOD )
10 x Rolling Sit Ups