12th December 2018
WOD WOD, December 13, 2018
Bubba Gump
Metcon (Time)
Run Session – 24 minute cap
In Pairs, for time
1 x 800m each
2 x 400m each
4 x 200m each
Run for Run -( 2.4km each )
*If you and your buddy finish within the cap, run with others after a short rest..support to the end!
Loaded Mid line Finisher
EMOM x 9 : f 40/20
1. DB Hold @ belly Challanging load
2. FR Hold x 2 KB challaging load
3. Hollow Hold / Tuck Hold best position
Team up in 3’s … Share out equipment / rotate
B) Run Prep
Glute Pull
Toe Touch
Lunge and reach
Lunge and rotate
lateral lunge
A march
A skip
Power Jump / Glutes