New Blog

13th June 2018


Lots of our members prefer to train in the cooler months but I have to admit I am not one of them! Of course it’s rather easy to get stuck in a workout rut during the colder months because of the holidays and chilly weather, but this could actually be hindering your ability to achieve your long term fitness goals. There are so many opportunities to get a workout in while enjoying the outdoors during the summer, but not so much during the winter. This is just one of the many reasons men and women find themselves slacking on their fitness during winter. Not to mention, light summer dishes are a whole lot healthier for you than those rich and savoury wintertime meals. One of the biggest reasons why you should continue your workout routines in the winter is obviously because of all of the calories you’ll be consuming. If you decide to indulge in any of these not-so-healthy bites this winter season, you definitely should be exercising in order to work off some of those calories. If your excuse for not working out during the wintertime is because it’s too cold outside, you should find other ways to exercise besides jogging or running outdoors. You could look into joining a gym or fitness class that’s held indoors so you can workout in a climate-controlled environment. Join our 8 week Fitter Faster Stronger challenge with a friend-this way you can catch up AND get fitter! Already attend The CrossFit Chamber-why not ramp up your training during the colder months and go unlimited?! Much easier to train when there aren’t as many social events to attend to like there is in summer!! Whatever you do; just don’t let the cold weather become your excuse to not continue on your fitness journey!!