23rd January 2019
Olympic Weightlifting WOD, January 24, 2019
Barbell skil transfer : Clean and Jerk
2 position clean + FS (Weight)
2 Position clean + Front Squat
Floor / Mid Thigh
Every 2.00 x 8 Sets:
Loads :
Build set 1-6, hold set 7 and 8 ( 3 sets at the top )
* Dont overreach, clean cleans pls
Push Press (Weight)
E2MOM x 4 Sets
4 x Push Press @ 75-80 % of max
( Slightly heavier then 2 weeks ago )
Romanian Deadlift (Weight)
E2MOM x 4 Sets
5 x RDL @ 70 – 75 % of 1RM Clean
(Slightly heavier then last week )