23rd January 2019
WOD WOD, January 24, 2019
Farm Strong Thursday
20m Farmers Carry (Weight)
20mm Max Load FC
Accessory finisher with a little juice
2-3 sets :
Station 1 :
60 Seconds DB box step overs 20"
Station 2 :
60 Seconds KB Russian swing
Rest 60 Seconds
Station 3 :
60 Seconds Low Ring support
( accumulate quality volume )
Rest 60 Seconds
3 Sets of handles :
Big black : 35kg per hand
Litte black : 12kg per hand
Orrange : 25kg per hand
After each set, perform a 20m Deadball Carry
*We only want 6-8 attempts with this, heaps of rest, maximum output , share the weights out evenly.