3rd September 2018
WOD WOD, September 4, 2018
Tuesday Tuning
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
In Teams of 2 : 2 x 11 Minute AMRAPS / 5 Minutes Rest
A1 : 11 Minutes
15/10 x Cal Bike
1 x Rope Climb to Roof (Legless RX Plus )
A2 : 11 Minutes
15/12 x Cal Row
3 x DB Onto Platform 55/35kg ( 65/45 RX Plus )
Split Group Up – Half start on A, Half on B then Swap
Bike : 12/8 If not able to acheive in under 40 seconds
Rope : 15ft / 3 x Floor Pulls
Row : 12/9 If Unable to acheive in under 40 seconds
DB : Reduce Load / 2 Shoulder
Finisher – Corrective
400m KB overhead / Farmers Walk
Grab one bell, walk, alternate between sides / movements as pleased
LOAD : Moderate
B) Buddy 3 Way Gymnasty Shoulder opener
C) 1 Effort on each station – Timed on runner – tight group
Run 300m