22nd October 2018
WOD WOD, October 23, 2018
Snatches win Matches …
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Skill / Engine / Interval based
3 Rounds
60 Seconds Bike for cals
60 Seconds Rest
60 Seconds Dubz
60 Seconds Rest
60 Second D/B Devils Press 22/5/15kg x 2
60 Second Rest
60 Second Row for cals
2 minutes Rest
*Start with 5 at each station
*Rotate through until all have completed 1 round at each station
*All Players to take 2 minute rest at same time
DB : Reduce Load
Dubz : Attempts / Single skips
Midline / Skill conditioning
EMOM x 7 : Toes 2 Bar
Pick a rep range and stick to it
*Rep range should allow for consistency – we are not seeking intensity
A) Toes 2 Low Bar
B) Tight kip with knees 2 Chest
C) 10-15 x Ab mat Sit ups
2 sets :
10 x Cat Cow
10 x T Spine rotation ( 5/5)
10 x Bird Dog ( 5/5 )
10 x Deadbug – coach call
B) EMOM x 4 minutes :
40 Second bike
40 Second Dub practice
40 second DB PPush Press light
40 Second row