7th November 2019
WOD WOD, November 8, 2019
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP in 17 minutes
30 x Box Jump/Step up
15 x S2OH
10 x Goblet squats OR Pistol if have
Rx 50/35kg & 24/16
RX Plus : Add 3 x Muscle ups each round
BJ : Reduce height
BB : Reduce Load
GS : Reduce Load
Post-WOD accessories
AMRAP 10 – M4M w/ buddy
6 KB RDL (1sec pause just off floor)
10 Push ups
14 Banded seated row
AMRAP 10 – M4M w/ buddy
6 KB RDL (1sec pause just off floor)
10 Push ups
14 Banded seated row
10m Inch worm walk out
10 x Shoulder taps
10m Stiff leg bear crawl
100m slow jog