6th November 2019
WOD WOD, November 7, 2019
Roman Sandals
Thursday Games
E3MOM x 5 Sets ( Return of the weighted PU volume )
1. 5 x BW Chin over Bar Strict Pull Up ( 10 x RR )
2. 5 x BW C2B Strict Pull Up ( 5 x Banded )
3. 5 x BW C2B Strict Pull Up ( 5 x Banded )
4. 5 x BW C2B Strict Pull Up ( 5 x Banded )
5. 5 x BW Chin over bar Strict Pull Up ( 10 x RR )
*Commence each set with a 30-second hollow hold ( pre pull up )
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
E4M x 5
15 Cal row
12 TTB
8 KB swings
Rx 24/16
Rx+ 32/24 (must do TTB)
*1min cap on rower
Row: Reduce cals
TTB: Straight leg raises
KB: Reduce load/height