New Blog

5th November 2019

WOD WOD, November 6, 2019

Mid Week Chippin

A) Front rack MOB x 3 Rounds ( 5 Mins )
30 Second reverse grip passive hang
30 Second BB Back rack elbow raise
30 Second Puppy dog pose

B) BB tech with spiderman lunge/sumo stance inchworm between positions

Power Clean (Weight)
E90’s x 6

1 x Power Clean
1 x Hang Power Clean
1 x Push Jerk

*Build to 70 % Power Clean Max ONLY
*Focus : Connecting Clean catch and rebounding into PJ

Metcon (Time)
For time ( Thanks to Coach Pirri for the inspo )

800m Run
6 x Power Clean
12 x Burpees
400m Run
9 x Power Clean
18 x Burpees
200m Run
12 x Power Clean
24 x Burpees

Rx 50/35kg
RX+ 60/40kg
20 Minute cap
* Dont go heavy just to go slow on run / burpees


BB : Reduce Load ( This should be smooth / consistent )
Burpees : Nurpees
Run : 600/300/200

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