4th November 2019
WOD WOD, November 5, 2019
Man V Machine V2
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
In Teams of 3 / AMRAP in 27
150/120 x Cal Bike
300m KB Farmers Carry
150/120 x Cal Ski or Row
300m KB Front Rack Carry
15 x Rope Climbs
RX : 20/12kg KB x 2, Rope too Roof
Machines :
*NO SPRINTING , stay on a little longer @ below maximum effort
*KB : Walk together changing out every 100m
*Rope : 1 for 1 for 1
Rope : AHAP / 3 x "Jump pull and lowers’
KB : Reduce Load
Foam Roll
A) Machines 5 x 30/30
B) Rope climb tech 5 – 10 minute playing with footwork