16th November 2019
WOD WOD, November 17, 2019
Sustainable Sunday
A) Gym flow
B) Mock run through of workout: 1 x full round @ back off pace
B) Mock run through of workout: 1 x full round @ back off pace
Metcon (Calories)
In teams of 3, 3 rounds of the following, leaving every 3 minutes ( 27 minutes total )
P1 :
400m Run – not sprint
90 Seconds Assault bike @ sustain
*Last week we hit 45 second efforts, this week we double the work time and reduce the rest period, back it off. If you held 75RPM last week, look to hold 65-70RPM this week – No sprinting / drop offs
75m Dual KB FR Carry, into 75m Dual KB Farmers Carry
*Each station has a 2 minute cap to ensure a 1 minute rest between stations is achieved
*Reduce Distances / loads to stay under 2 minute cap
Core / Stability
3 Sets
15 Second side plank L
15 Second side plank R
30 Second Push Up support
30 Second Rest
Today, much like last Sunday, we will be looking at some pacing work which will have just enough spice, but, won’t send you over the edge.
Good Vibes / Good Feelz… Sunday morning done right