17th November 2019
WOD WOD, November 18, 2019
MASS Monday
Pure strength to start the week…. intensity will BRB !
Deadlift (Weight)
Pure strength:
0-10mins ( E2:30mins )
Deadlift 5-10-15 ( 20?)
reps @ 50%
* (P1-5, P2-5, P3-5, P1-10, P2-10, etc)
*T and G reps
*NOT maxing out – keep it crisp
10-20mins ( E2MOM )
5×5 Push press (from floor) work upto around 70%
20-30mins ( E2MOM )
5×5 Strict pull up (add weight each round) or
5×5 banded pull ups
*Grab a buddy or 2 and work together
Push Press (Weight)
Weighted Pull-ups (Weight)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Ab mat sit up
*Hands touch floor behind head / in front of feet