29th May 2019
WOD WOD, May 30, 2019
Full Gasser
Close Grip Bench Press (Weight)
E3MOM x 4 Sets:
6 x CGB – Building
8 x Feet elevated Ring Row
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
2min on/2min off x 5:
10 Shoulder to overhead
15 push ups
20 KB swings
Max DU in remaining time
Rx 52.5/35 & 24/16 KB
Score equals total dubz
Reduce Load BB
Reduce Load KB
10 x Push Ups / Push Up to ab mat / worm
Banded Lats / T spine
5 x T Spine rotations per side
5 x "Y" Push Ups
5 x Shoulder Taps P/side
50m Per side SA Overhead KB carry