WOD WOD, March 5, 2019
B) Shoulder prep :
2 sets of :
10 x Down dog to cobra
10 x T spine rotations ( 5/5 )
10 x Quadruped shoulder taps ( 5/5 )
Min 1 : 3-5 x Ring Push Ups + 10 Second ring support
Min 2 : 5 x Barbell rows Plus 10 Second Support ( bar on J hooks )
Min 3 : 5 x V sit / Heel taps + 10 second hollow / tuck hold
*This shouldn’t feel hard, drop rep range if it does
Every 5MOM x 4 Sets
20/15 x Cal Bike / ski / row ( 60 second cap )
10 x DB Box Step overs 22.5/15kg / 20" across
7-10 x HSPU whatever can be achieved unbroken!!!
*Each set is for time – write each one on a whiteboard
*2 Waves – leaving every 2:30 minutes
*We are aiming to keep rounds well under 2:30!
Ass bike – 15 / 10 or less if cant hit cals in 60 seconds
Step over – less weight or body weight
HSPU – 1 x ab mat or 10 x seated KB shoulder press
straddle hold x 3 minutes