23rd March 2020
WOD WOD, March 24, 2020
Bumpady Bump
Metcon (Time)
3 Sets
21 Plate Ground to overhead
400m Run
15 TTB
9 Nurpees onto plate
3min rest btw sets
20min cap
Rx 20/10kg plate
Plate GTO: Reduce load
Run: Distance or row
TTB: High bar/low bar/ Straight leg raise/ V-up/Sit up
8/leg Front Foot elevated split squat @ 20X1 ( on 20kg plate )
8/arm SA DB Lat row @ 20X1
20m x Dual DB Death March ( 10m/10m )
*Use the same load for the duration
*Rest 2 minutes b/t sets
*KB x 2 OR DB x 2