24th June 2018
WOD WOD, June 25, 2018
A) Bike 5 x 30/30
B) 3 Sets of :
5 x Inch worm walk outs
5 x scap push ups from top of push up
10 x push up shoulder taps with 1 push up between reps
10m monster walks
B) 3 Sets of :
5 x Inch worm walk outs
5 x scap push ups from top of push up
10 x push up shoulder taps with 1 push up between reps
10m monster walks
Bench Press (Weight)
Every 2.30 x 6 Sets
Set 1 : 5 @ 50 %
Set 2 : 5 @ 60 %
Set 3 : 5 @ 70 %
Set 4/5/6 : 5 Reps @ 80 % 1RM
*After each set, perform either:
A) 3 x Single arm ring rows P/side
B) 8 x Ring Rows
Jonescrawl (Time)
"The Jones Crawl"
3 Rounds for time : 7 Minute cap
10 x Deadlifts @ 115 % x body weight
25 x Step Down Box Jumps 24/20"
DL : 85/60kg, 60/40kg or less
BJ : Step Ups
Extended group stretch and chit chat
A) 30 Minute row / bike / swim @ easy pace
Easy pace = You should be able to easily hold a conversation throughout the entire session. Use this to get blood moving and set up for upcoming training
B) Stretch
Firstly, bloody amazing job over the weekend… so much fun. Secondly, its time to use what we have between the ears for the greater good. Nothing will be gained by doing The Chamber class session. Plenty will be gained with a few days off – roll the legs over though, doing nothing just delays everything.