24th July 2019
WOD WOD, July 25, 2019
Side Hustlin
Play: Gymnastics
In Teams of 4 , split into pairs:
Pair 1 : 2 mins Rope Climbs 1:1
Pair 2 : 2 min max 5m HS walk efforts 1:1
*Alternate every 2 minutes untill each pair completes 3 sets of each ( 12 mins )
Rope: Feet elevated leg pulls 1 for 1 with buddy
HSW: Wall Walks to best position
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 15 – Teams of 2
45-30-15 Pull ups
45-30-15 BBJO
45-30-15 Deadball lunge steps
Rx : 24/ 20" . 55/35kg DB
Pull Ups : Jumping / Ring Rows
BBJ : Step Ups
DB : Drop weight / Bodyweight
B) Use part A) of session as an extension of warm-up