New Blog

1st July 2018

WOD WOD, July 2, 2018

The Grind is real

A) 10 x 10 m Shuttles

B) 2 Sets of :
10 m Lunge with rotation
10m lunge with reach
10m cossack lunge
10m drinking bird
10m broad jump and catch

C) PC Tech

Power Clean (Weight)
Power Clean Clusters ( 10 second rest between reps )

Every 2 Minutes x 7 Sets :

Set 1 : 3 Reps @ 50 %
Set 2 : 3 Reps @ 60 %
Set 3 : 3 Reps @ 70 %
Set 4/5/6/7 : 2 Reps @ 80 % 1RM

*Not a max out session. Focus is on hitting all reps with quality

Metcon (Time)
1 Round for time : 10 Minute cap

30 x Lateral burpees over bar
20 x Power Cleans 52.5/35kg
10 x Lateral burpees over bar

Burpees : Double jump as per Allstars

RX PLUS : 60/40kg

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