16th July 2018
WOD WOD, July 17, 2018
Tuesday Blazin
Metcon (Calories)
Rotating EMOM x 24 minutes :
Minute 1: 30 Seconds Ski Erg
Minute 2 : 30 Second FR Hold 20/12kg x 2
Minute 3 : 30 Second Row
Minute 4 : 30 Second DB Hold @ chest 55/35kg
Minute 5 : 1 x Rope Climbs ( 30 Second cap )
Minute 6 : REST
3 Per station INDIAN FILE ( IF over 18 – Grab 1 Bike )
RX PLUS : 24/16kg x 2, 65/45kg , 2 x Rope Ascents
KB : Reduce Load
DB : Reduce Load / Use Sandbag 20/15/10kg
Rope : 15ft / 30 seconds attempts / 30 Seconds Floor pulls
B) Glute monster walks / Bridges
C) In teams of 3 : 3 Rounds of :
30 Second Row / 30 Second FR Hold / 30 Second DB hold