30th January 2020
WOD WOD, January 31, 2020
Hang Power Snatch (Weight)
Barbell cycling
E2M x6
Pause hang power snatch doubles
(2sec pause at knee + 2sec pause in catch)
E2M x6
Pause hang power snatch doubles
(2sec pause at knee + 2sec pause in catch)
Sets 1,2,3: 2 @ 50%
Sets 4,5,6: 2 @ 60%
*Keep the pauses strict
*focus on a strong tight catch
Metcon (Time)
Part A
0-10mins (8:30min cap)
800m Run
40 Wall balls
40 KB swings
0-10mins (8:30min cap)
800m Run
40 Wall balls
40 KB swings
Part B
10mins+ ( 10min cap)
400m Run
40 Wall balls
40 KB Swings
*2 part score: Part A time and Part B time
Rx 24/16
Rx+ 32/24 (must be able to do 15 UB)
Run: Row same distances
WB: Goblet squat or reduce height/weight
KB: Reduce load or Russian
Hips / T spine / shouler act
b) H/PS tech