31st January 2020
WOD WOD, February 1, 2020
Super Saturday
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
2 Part buddy AMRAP
a) AMRAP in 12 Minutes
6 x C2B Pull Ups
6 x DB Box Step Up on and over ( 2 x DB )
9/6 x bike (+1 cal each round )
b) AMRAP in 12 Minutes
6 x Burpee over rower
3 x DB 2 Shoulder
9/6 x Cal row (+ 1 cal each round)
*1/2 class on a) / half class on b)
Db load 22.5/15kg x 2
DB load 55/35kg x 2
C2B: Chin over / Jumping / RR
DBBSU: Reduce Load / 1 x DB / BW
Burpee : Nurpee / step over
DBall: Reduce load / sandbag cleans