29th January 2020
WOD WOD, January 30, 2020
Rump Day
Back Squat (Weight)
Squat program week 3
E3M x4
E3M x4
1×3 @ 50%
3×3 @ 60%
*3sec pause 1st rep only
*Strict %, Strict pause
*after each set perform 30sec tuck hold
Metcon (Weight)
Sled Push Option
15m Sled Push
30 Second Tuck Hold
*Start at heavyish load – walking not sprinting
Lift Accessories – strings/guns n midline
E2M x 18 ( 9 sets / 3 sets at each station rotating )
8 x p/side DB staggered stance RDL – will move into BB next 2 weeks @2111
8 x p/side seated offset Arnold press ( KB + DB ) @2011
8 x p/side Side Plank arch ups
*2 x DB for RDL
Banded walks 10 step fwd/back
10 Banded squats with pause
10 Banded psoas march with pause
30sec Glute activation each side
Bankded walks 10 step sideways
10 Banded squats with pause
10 Banded psoas march with pause