25th February 2019
WOD WOD, February 26, 2019
Freddie Kruger
Strength / Stability : In Teams of 3 ( share the equipment )
10 x DB Floor Press – Pause at floor level
10 x Feet elevated Ring Rows + 5 count hold last rep
10 x KB Front foot elevated Split Squats ( 5/5 )
Get into a team of 3, rotate through movements with 1 person occupying each station. Once all have completed 1 round, rest 2 minutes together, repeat for 3 sets
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
In Teams of 2 : AMRAP in 15 Minutes
150 x Dubz
75 x Toes 2 Bar
25 x DB to Shoulder 55/35kg
Share all reps as pleased
RX PLUS : 65/45kg
Dubz : 300 x Singles
T2B : Knee Raises – linked Ab mat sit ups
DB : Reduce Load
Wall Hamstring / breath stretch 5 minutes ( legs elevated )
5 x Sumo Stance Inch worm walk outs plus push up
10 x T spine rotations ( 5/5 )
10 x Banded Monster walks