WOD WOD, February 11, 2019
B) BB Tech
Minute 1 :
Build to heavy Power Clean Cluster of 3 reps.
*Start at 50 % build to 80-85 % of max PC
*8-10s Rest between each rep
Minute 2 : FULL REST
Minute 3 :
Skill development – choose wisely… !
3-5 x Strict Ring Dips + 10-15 Second hold at top of last ( Can Muscle up if able )
3-5 x Ring Push Ups + 10 -15 Second hold at top of last
3-8 x True Floor Push Ups + 10-15 Second hold at top of last
Minute 4 : FULL REST
*Teams of 3-4 works well for this format if needed
30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95#
BB : The goal is for everyone to "feel" the same regardless of load
Your ego will get you in trouble with this puppy, peg it back and move the damn Barbell
50/30, 40/25kg or less
*Please dont smash up the bumper plates when the
3 – 4 Sets of
30 Second banded face pulls
30 Second Hollow
30 Second KB Rack hold
30 Second Rest