New Blog

8th August 2018

WOD WOD, August 9, 2018

Muscle Up Mayhem
Slightly different approach to our Thursday gang 🙂

Some Muscle up play and progressive options – something for everyone to feel like a gymnast !

Gymnastics Skills / Drills

Choose one of the following skills to drill :

A) Ring Muscle Up
B) Bar Muscle up
C) Assisted Muscle Up transition from floor + press from dip
D) Assisted Muscle up from floor pull – transition only


Every 2 Minutes x 6 Sets :

A) and B )Sub maximal set – smooth transitions – consistant rep ranges
C) 3 Reps + 10 Second hold at top of final rep
D) 3-5 floor transition reps

Metcon (Time)
2 Rounds for time – 12 Minute cap

20 x kipping Pulls Ups
40 x Ab mat Sit ups
20 x D/B Snatch – Alternating Hands 22.5/15kg
80 x Dubz

Rest 2 Minutes

Pull Ups : Jumping / Ring Rows
DB : Reduce Load
Dubz : 40 / x 120 x Singles

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