4th August 2019
WOD WOD, August 5, 2019
Monday Mashin
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
6 rounds for total reps ( 3 of each alt. )
A1 : AMRAP 2:30
40 x Dubz
12 x DB Devil Press 22.5/15kg x 2
20 x Dubz
Max Reps Toes 2 Bar in remaining time
A2: AMRAP in 2:30
40 x Dubz
12 x KB Box Step Ups – Open standard 24/16kg / 24/20"
20 x Dubz
Max Reps HSPU in time remaining – strict
*Rest 2:30 Between A1 and A2
*Score equals combined reps of T2B and HSPU
HSPU : Open standard
T2B : High Low / V up / Ab mat sit up
Dubz : 20 / 10 OR 60/30 singles
Step Up : Decrease load
Devil Press : Single arm / decrease load
*Buddy up with someone shifting the same weights 1 work 1 rest to create space
Post WOD extended stretch – calves / hips / low back
B) 30/30 x 12 Minutes ( 3 sets )
1 : 1 x wall walk to hold x 20 seconds
2: 8 x scap pull-ups / 8 x beat swings
3. Dubz play
4. Banded Hip Thrusts