20th August 2019
WOD WOD, August 21, 2019
Hump day Rump day
Tempo Back Squat variety (Weight)
E3MOM x 5
3 Back squats
Rep 1: Tempo (3-0-1-1)
Rep 2: 3sec pause ( 1-3-1-1 )
Rep 3: Normal ( 1-0-1-1 )
*Start at 40% and work up-to no heavier than 75%
*After each set perform 3 x seated box jumps
*Goal is to find balance and control rather than weight
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
High Intensity Accessory
12 KB walking lunges (6/6) – 1 Offset KB in FR
12/9 Ring dips
10 KB Box step ups
12 Sit ups
*Steps ups go up by 2 each round ( 1 per leg )
Rx + MU into RD
KB : Reduce Load
RD : RD : Ring Push Up / Push Up
Foam Roll Quads / Glutes / Hams
B) Squat Prep