19th August 2019
WOD WOD, August 20, 2019
The WODfather
Metcon (Time)
Pairs Chipper: 27 Minute running cap
Part A)
For time ( 20 minute cap )
Row 1000/800m
22 x PC and Push Jerk
22 x C2B Pull Ups
Row 800/600m
16 x PC and Push Jerk
16 x C2B Pull Ups
Row 600/400
10 x PC and Push Jerk
10 x C2B Pull Ups
Row 400/300
RX : 50/35kg
Part B) ( 7 minute cap )
Build to a Heavy Power Clean and Push Jerk with buddy – combine total load lifted
*If you complete part A) before 20 minute cap, move straight to part B)
BB : Reduce Load
C2B : Chin over bar / Jumping / Ring Rows x 2
Metcon (Weight)
Record combined load of best lifts
Power Clean and Push Jerk (Weight)
Power Clean to Push Jerk max
Record individual top lift
LONGGGGGG Stretch with coaches
B) Barbell tech, PC and PJ