17th August 2020
WOD WOD, August 18, 2020
Metcon (Calories)
Mixed Conditioning @ MAP 5
3 Minutes on / 3 Minutes off x 3 sets w/buddy
20 x Box Jump Step Down
20 x American KB Swings
Max Cal Row @ sustain in time remaining
Rx : 24/16kg, 24/20"
Rx +: 32/20kg KB
*Score = Teams total cals
**Row splits : You should be able to sustain same output each set
BJ: Step ups
Swings: reduce load
BJ: Step ups
Swings: reduce load
10 Minutes Gymnastics Skill For Absolute Quality
1 x Wall Walk + 20 Sec Hollow Hold
Rest as needed
1. 30 sec row
2. 30 sec alt step up
3. 30 sec russian swings
4. 20-30 sec scaled hollow (knees tucked in)