18th August 2020
WOD WOD, August 19, 2020
Clean and Jerk (Weight)
Clean and Jerk (2sec pause in jerk catch)
Clean and Jerk (2sec pause in jerk catch)
E90sec x10
*Working upto heavy (if technique allows)
Metcon (Time)
WOD – 4 rounds (17min cap)
200m Run
10 Bar facing burpees
5 Squat cleans
2min rest after each round
Rx 60/40
Rx+ 75/50
SCORE: Total time
Run: machine (see coach)
Cleans: reduce load, should be challenging and singles still
Burpees: Nurpees & step over
Run: machine (see coach)
Cleans: reduce load, should be challenging and singles still
Burpees: Nurpees & step over
8x Inch worm walk out to cobra
8x Spider man lunge with rotation
5 Shuttle runs (up & back = 1)
BB Tech Clean & Jerk