15th August 2020
WOD WOD, August 16, 2020
Sunday Sustain @MAP 2
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Sunday Sustain @ MAP 2
60 Sec Bike for cals
60 Sec Rest
60 Sec Ab mat Sit up for reps
60 Sec Rest
60 Sec Ski Erg for Cals
60 Sec Rest
60 Sec No Push Up Burpees for reps
60 Sec Rest
x 3-4 sets depending on the class feelz
*Goal : Grab a white board to keep tabs on the repeatability of each movement. To get the most out of this workout, aim for identical numbers across the board…lets see what cha got 😉
Post WOD Pipes
10 x Kneeling Zottman Curls
10 x DB Skull Crushers
x 3 sets w/buddy
1. 30 Sec Bike
2. 30 Sec FLR
3. 30 Sec Ski
4. 30 Sec Alt Shoulder Tap