12th August 2020
WOD WOD, August 13, 2020
Hang Power Snatch (Weight)
E90’s x 6 Sets
1 x Hang Power Snatch Below knee
1 Hang Power Snatch Above knee
*Build to moderate
**No misses
***2 POS HPC if not snatching
Metcon (Weight)
Unilateral Strength
E4M x 3 Sets
16 x Alt BB FR Reverse Lunge
10 x Supinated Grip BOR
*Build load not to max but by feel
Core / Stability
10 Sec Star Side Plank L
10 Sec Star Side Plank R
20 Sec Hollow FLutter / Hollow
Rest 30 x 3 Sets
10 Sec Star Side Plank R
20 Sec Hollow FLutter / Hollow
Rest 30 x 3 Sets
10m Inch worm walk out + DD ( AFAP )
10m Lateral Lunge
10m Spiderman Crawl + rot
10m Paused Broad Jump
30 Sec Passive supinated hang
B) BB Tech HPC + FR Lunge + BOR