22nd November 2018
Friday Feelzzz WOD, November 23, 2018
Straight up bangersss
Power Clean (10×1)
Hang Power Clean (10×1)
Push Press (10×1)
Metcon (10 Rounds for reps)
Mental Resilience
10 min EMOM
5-10 Burpees to a 6" target.
This is mental and physical test of stamina. Pick your rep range and do not deviate from it.
It’s all in your head. 🙂
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
3’s a company
1. AMRAP 10 mins
400m Run
10 Deadlifts – 80/55kg
10 T2B
Rest 2 mins
2. AMRAP 8 mins
200m Run
8 Deadlifts – 100/65kg
8 T2B
Rest 2 mins
3. AMRAP 6 mins
6 Deadlifts – 120/75kg
6 T2B
1x Power Clean
1x Hang Power Clean
1x Push Press
*Pick your weight at the start and weight remains the same for 10 sets.
*Pick your weight you pick your fate 🙂