New Blog

12th March 2020

Friday Feelzzz WOD, March 13, 2020

Those glorious Friday Feelzzz

Deadlift (5×3)
Every 4 mins x 5 sets:

Working off last weeks %.

3 reps – Increase to 75-85% across all 5 sets.

Super set

Ring Dips

Ring Dips (5 sets of ‘x’ reps)
5 sets of 6-12 reps

Aim to increase from last week.

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
4 Sets of 3mins ON: 3mins OFF

5 Pull ups
10 Power Cleans
5 Pull ups
10 Push Jerks
Max D/Unders in time remaining.

Rx – 40/30

Rx+ – Chest to bar

Scaling – Banded/ Jumping Pull ups or Ring Rows
Reduce barbell load to allow unbroken reps.

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