New Blog

14th February 2019

Friday Feelzzz WOD, February 15, 2019

Friday Feels Pre Open Prep 🙂

Warm Up:

2 Rounds:

20x Pelvic Tilts ( Cat / Cow)
20x Straight Leg Swings
20x Wall Sit with single arm lifts (left/right)
20x Horizontal abd. arm swings
20x Shoulder Dislocates
20x double arm swings (forward/back)

Deadlift (5×5)
Every 2 mins x 10 sets:

5 sets all at 75% (using 1 rm from last)

Alternate between A & B

E.g : 0-2 mins – 5 reps of A
2-4 mins – 5 reps of B

Shoulder Press (5×5)
5×5 @ 75 %
Muscle-ups (6 sets of chosen reps)
EMOM x 6

Less sets this week so try increase rep range.

E.g: last week 8 sets of 3 reps
This week aim for 6 sets of 4 reps.

Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups (6 sets of chosen reps)
Pull-ups (6 sets of chosen reps )
CrossFit Games Open 12.3 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
18-Minute AMRAP of:
15 Box Jumps, 24" / 20"
12 Push press, 115# / 75#
9 Toes-To-Bar

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