20th September 2019
WOD WOD, September 21, 2019
Follow that leader
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 27 : Teams of 3; R4R4R:
12/9cal row
9 Double DB Push Press
6 C2B
3 Dball 2 shoulder
Rx 22.5/15 & 55/35
*Once you finish dballs you must complete:
150m run ( active rest )
*Next player commences row as soon as final DB 2 Shoulder has been completed by player ahead
*These are sprint rounds…. keep the load moderate on all movements to avoid clutter !
PP : Reduce Load / KB’s
C2B : Chin over bar , Jumping , RR
DB : Reduce Load
Run : 40 Second bike