New Blog

8th October 2018

WOD WOD, October 9, 2018

Tuesday Tickla
First day on the 3.0 ropes… shes a big girl wowee

A) Quad Roll x 3 mins per side
B) Banded hips x 2 mins per side
C) EMOM x 5 Minutes playing with conditioning movements
Metcon (Calories)
EMOM conditioning
ROTATING EMOM 24 Minutes ( 4 Sets )

Minute 1 : 15 Second Assault bike sprint
Minute 2 : 12 x D/B Push Press – 22.5/15kg
Minute 3 : 30 Second row sprint
Minute 4 : 1 x Rope Climb AHAP ( keep it safe )
Minute 5 : 30 Second Deadball Hold @ belly 55/35kg or less
Minute 6 : REST

RECORD Cals of bike / row

RX PLUS : 65/45kg ball

D/B : reduce load
Rope : as high as feeling confident
DB : reduce laod

Core / Stability

Tabata 1 : Hollow hold / tuck hold

8 rounds:

10 seconds extended hollow
10 seconds tuck hold
10 second rest

If time permits:

TABATA Plank hold

8 x 20 / 10 " Plank

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