New Blog

19th October 2019

WOD WOD, October 20, 2019

Sunday Sustain
Massive week, this will top it off nicely. Trust me 🙂

Metcon (Calories)
Choose your own adventure – Bike / Ski

With a buddy – total work time 24 minutes ( 12 each )

A) E3MOM x 12 minutes ( 4 Sets each )

90 Second effort each ( 90/90 )

B) E2MOM x 8 minutes ( 4 Sets each )

60 Second effort each ( 60/60 )

C) EMOM x 4 minutes ( 4 sets each )

30 Second effort each ( 30/30 )

*Session focus will be on pace rather then falling off the Crossfit Cliff 🙂
*Record total team cals at completion
*No Stopping between time domain changes.. rolling clock
*Output "should" increase over each block slightly
*Looking for speedy transitions

POST WOD Goody bag

EMOM x 12

1: 30 Second KB FR hold
2. 30 Second Bumper plate bent over row
3 : 30 Second HS hold against wall

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