1st October 2018
WOD WOD, October 2, 2018
Squats with tha lot
First big SQWAT session at 3.0 today crew with a little extra spice added to the mix each set… Peach gains for dayz
A) 3.0 Flow
B) Squat Prep / Monster walks
B) Squat Prep / Monster walks
Back Squat (Weight)
Every 3.30 x 5 Sets
Back Squat
8-8-6-6-6 ( Build to heavy 6 )
30m x Deadball bear hug Carry Across gym
*Challenge yourself with load, enough too loght up the strings a little while walking.
Trap Bar / Reduced ROM Squat / Sumo Stance Deadlift
*2-3 to a rack CONGA line – keep main floor clear for carries
Metcon (Time)
Buddy Finisher 12 Minute cap
In teams of 2 : 8 Rounds for time ( 4 Each )
250/200m row
10 x lateral burpees over rower leg