New Blog

27th November 2019

WOD WOD, November 28, 2019

Holdin on
Breath n keep on movin!

Couch stretch x 2 min
Tricep Smash x 2 mins ( BB in rack )
2 Sets
5 x Cat Cow
5 x Rocking adductor p/side
5 x t spine rotations
5 x Banded Monster walks p/side
10 x Banded 1/4 squats
Front Squat (Weight)
E3M x6
Work up to 3RM Front squat

*After each set, 20-30m heavyish SA OH KB Carry ( Thruster prep )

Metcon (Distance)
Cardio Option – Row

90 Seconds on / 90 seconds off x 6 sets for meters

*Interval pace : Use your 2km PB TT pace average split ie:
7 minute 2km = 1.45/500 pace

*Not a sprint, repeatable aerobic work
*In comments, record pace held

Metcon (Time)
For time, 10 MIN cap

5-10-15-20 Thrusters
6 SA Alt Devils press BETWEEN each set

Rx 42.5/30 & 22.5/15

*Unbroken anyone?
*Dropped 5kg plates / DB = 10 x Burpee on the spot

BB: Reduce Load / KB / KB PP
DB : Reduce Load / Burpee

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