6th March 2019
WOD WOD, March 7, 2019
Thursday Therapy
Back Squat (Weight)
Strength / Posture / Stability
Every 4MOM x 4 Sets
Minute 1 :
8 x Back Squats 60-65 % 1RM
Minute 2 : Rest
Minute 3 :
50m Single Sided overhead carry L
50m Single Sided overhead carry R
Minute 4 : Rest
*Squat Tempo : 2-X-1-1
Gymnastics skill play / conditioning ( for quality / fun)
3 Stations, rotate every 90 seconds : :
Station 1 : 2-3 x Rope Climbs AHAP
Station 2 : 10-15m Handstand walk
Station 3 : 100m Heavy DB Farmers carry
Team up in groups of 3, ideally carrying same load
Rotate through stations until you have completed 4 efforts on each station
Rope : 15ft or work seated progressions – thats how we get better
HS : Play with kick ups to wall / hand balancing , or, box pike progression x 5 reps
B Tali glute prep
C) Back squat warm up – coaches call